The picture & the frame
How we perceive the colours and all their shades and how we experience the different brush strokes is defined by the frame that holds us. It represents our experience at a particular moment in time.
There is so much every one of us doesn't know and understand about ourselves and the world that surrounds us, isn't there?
We are all the sum of everything that's happening on the canvas in a painting, often unaware of the frame we're in.
How we perceive the colours and all their shades and how we experience the different brush strokes is defined by the frame that holds us. It represents our experience at a particular moment in time.
The expansiveness of the frame, the more variety, textures, shapes, and brush strokes are present; the more expansive our perceptions and understanding can be.
If and when we experience profound transformation in our lives, we can find ourselves randomly edging the boundaries of our picture, discovering our frame.
While the boundaries of our frame can be unfamiliar and uncomfortable, we can no longer deny their presence anymore. We feel and sense their limits.
Suddenly, the limited colours, shades, and brush strokes we thought were possible are no longer the only ones. There's so much more to consider.
Our society is built on a series of frames and pictures. Some of the larger frames have control and power over the smaller ones, and some help shape and give identity to others. Some complement each other, and others contradict.
Built on the saying, we don't know what we don't know, the most powerful effect of being in a frame is not knowing we are. The frame all too often defines the beliefs, behaviours and ideologies we know and understand. It helps shape our cultures, and all too often, it determines how we see the world and how we see ourselves in it.
Our most significant opportunity is to allow ourselves to expand our frame and, even more importantly, enable ourselves to take a step back and notice its edges. When we do, we can discover the inner-working of the different frames and notice which ones have more impact on others, which ones are significant and which ones are we ready to let go of.
When we can distinguish the frame from the picture, we are no longer trapped by it.
Sparknotion – Think Differently.