Singular measurements
The difference between two numbers can be a measure of length. It can also be the growth we had in the last quarter or indicate that we haven’t achieved our goals.
Numbers have power; they tell a different story depending on how we use them.
The difference between two numbers can be a measure of length. It can also be the growth we had in the last quarter or indicate that we haven’t achieved our goals.
The story we tell defines their meaning.
We often reduce our goals and definition of success to a single measurement. How many followers we have, how many likes our post got, how many customers bought our product.
It turns out that reducing success to a singular measurement makes it easier to disconnect ourselves from our humanity to reach our goals.
We have the common expression, “it’s just business,” that people tell themselves before taking actions they might otherwise not.
If we lose ourselves in the stories we have attached to the numbers, why they matter, and what we’re willing to do to reach them, we open the door to taking the necessary actions to shift that needle regardless of the implication and impacts.
What numbers are you focused on? Is it the size of your paycheck, the number of hours you get to spend with your kids every night, or how much you saved by cutting corners with the development of your product?
Numbers are helpful; they offer insights and a chance to make new decisions.
The courageous thing to do is use numbers as indicators for better decision-making while also doing the right thing for us, others and humanity.
Sparknotion – Think Differently.