Acceptance vs agreement
Have you ever stopped to think about the difference between acceptance and agreement? There are things we cannot change that are hard to accept, but refusing to accept them only hurts us.
Have you ever stopped to think about the difference between acceptance and agreement?
Acceptance is the result of letting go and being with what is. In a way, it’s an internal act of selfishness, the good kind. When we accept circumstances as they are, allow reality to be as it is, we exercise compassion for ourselves. The opposite is rejection, which creates immense internal resistance and stress within ourselves.
One might struggle with accepting the death of a loved one. There’s no right or wrong when one should accept such an event, but there’s a sense of release and peace that allows us to continue moving forward when we do.
Agreement is the result of circumstances aligning with our world view. When they align with our beliefs, we agree, and when they do not, we disagree.
Based on our beliefs and values, one might agree or disagree with how our government handles climate change. One might also disagree with who their sister or brother marries or with how their boss manages their team.
We can choose to accept circumstances as they are while still choosing not to agree with them; acceptance doesn’t mean complacency.
When we choose acceptance, we remove the resistance that holds us back, enabling us to move forward more freely. We take more effective actions, which allows us to create the change and progress we seek to make.
When we refuse to accept reality, we get pulled away from our home base. We focus on how things aren’t the way we need or want them to be instead of making them better. It keeps us away from achieving our goals and moving forward; we become stuck. Acceptance is something we do for ourselves, while agreement is something we do with others.
There are things we cannot change that are hard to accept, but refusing to accept them only hurts us.
Where could you practice more acceptance in your life, even if you don’t agree with reality?
Quote of the week
God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, courage to change the things I can, and wisdom to know the difference.
From the Serenity Prayer by theologian Reinhold Niebuhr.
Sparknotion – Think Differently.
This makes total sense, thank you again for another great Sunday spark!